Youth First!™ Exceptional Youth Leadership Development Training in Asheville, North Carolina


This is innovative youth leadership training that works.

Youth: Engage ’em, Inspire ’em, Energize ’em, Empower them!

Now it’s time to ignite youth leadership with Youth First!™ 

Go with learning that sticks, sessions that rock, experiences that change behavior, trainings that build leaders. Youth leadership development right here in Central Texas – or wherever you are! 

Whether it’s academic learning, school participation, or community service, we design for full engagement.  Our youth leadership training programs grab the attention of youth audiences and deliver relevant, motivating, and memorable experiential activities. We get them up, get them active, get them talking, get them thinking.  

Using brilliantly designed initiatives and simulations to spark imagination and creativity, promote synergy, and create opportunities to inspire each young person, Youth First™ provides direct experience with leadership and real-world skill development.  Youth are called to their best with learning that immediately translates to real life.  Explore powerful youth development that’s inspiring and fun and empowers youth to grow with excellence and passion.

Our youth leadership training explores the proven personal development successes that come from engaging clear communication, creativity, and compassion.  We offer hands-on, exciting, and practical, processes that are immediately relevant.  Young people love what we do!

Youth First!™ programs integrate social emotional development, and are based in the science of youth leadership training and youth development: Hawkins and Catalano’s Social Development Theory, and the Search Institute’s 40 Assets™.
The results are incredible.

Learn more about our youth leadership training and see it in action now. 

Download the PDF overview here.

What people say…

“Solomon possesses an innate gift for guiding and engaging groups while providing meaningful, evidence-based, experiential youth leadership and staff development trainings. In our 15 years of working with Solomon he has been a professional, adaptable, and captivating consultant who is able to facilitate a room full of diverse individuals as they learn to work collaboratively. Solomon’s leadership provides fun, hands-on, relevant and memorable experiences for participants, who always give stellar evaluations of his work.”
Carol Hawk | Director | Community Health Outreach Programs -CHOP

“Just a little background on my work over the years with Solomon…when I was developing the high school conservation corps program that I directed in Austin, TX, some colleagues had suggested that I connect with Solomon who was the Director of the Global Youth Peace Summit (with the Amala Foundation).  I observed and volunteered during the Peace Summit to see if there were any programmatic aspects that would cross over and be useful for my program.  I was blown away by the trust and deep communication that Solomon was able to establish with the young people in the Peace Summit (who came from many different countries that were experiencing war).  Over the next few years Solomon and I met many times to talk about our programs and share ideas on how to lay the foundation for an experience that would touch young peoples’ hearts.”
J. Karr-Silaski | Southwest Conservation Corps | Regional Director, Los Valles (Salida)