John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”
Yes, we just went there.
Life does happen while we’re busy. It can be uncontrollable, whether dealing with families or friendships, the Bay Area and Marin County communities, or the world that surrounds us. Life happens, and there’s not much we can do about that except buckle up and enjoy the ride.
In business, we want to have some sort of control to guide our employees and follow our mission in a way that supports our brand. Otherwise, we’re faced with our business life “happening” while we sit there wondering why we started our own business or why we are in charge. “Y’all just run the show,” said no business owner or leader to their employees, ever… at least not a successful leader.
Life in the Bay Area is a unique experience with open-minded people willing to not just “think out of the box” but JUMP out of the box. We’re not about those boxes, at all – we like to be different, and in business, that translates into creative, innovative and pioneering problem solving teams. That also means that when you’re looking for ways to increase the awesome factor of your business, you need awesome, innovative and CRAZY team building experiences. None of that “falling backwards, catch me” nonsense; you want to invest in the minds of your employees, reach them where they already are, and bring out more of what has drawn you all together – that spark of eccentricity that IS the Bay Area.
That’s also why you keep reading this, because WE are that team you’re looking for – we’re the folks ready to get your employees motivated, inspired and ready to take on those projects and missions like never before. That’s YOUR team; we just provide the team building experience that Bay Area businesses need for success. Heck, if you look at who we are, you can see we’re not going to stand around and lecture about teamwork and try to inspire through “rags to riches” stories. We’re going to use every fun tool in our bag to set fire to your team (not literally) and get them all ready to do business YOUR way… the best way!
Give us a shout to find out more about our programs and services to help build your Bay Area “dream team” of employees.